About Us Landscape of colorful, stratified hills under a partly cloudy sky.

In 2015, Oregon passed a law requiring unclaimed funds from class action lawsuits to return to the harmed individuals rather than the corporations at fault. A court order allocating settlement funds from the Scharfstein v. BP West Coast Products, LLC case put this law into practice, creating and funding OCJ in 2019 to prioritize consumer protection in the state. 

OCJ efforts are funded through unclaimed funds from class action lawsuits. To date, Oregon attorneys have directed residual funds from consumer class action lawsuits to OCJ to further our mission toward realizing consumer justice for Oregonians. While OCJ does not currently accept individual donations, we intend to have a planned giving program in the future. 

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A Strong and Resilient Foundation

Our team is consciously strengthening the organization’s foundation by creating and refining systems, protocols, and processes to ensure our team has the infrastructure and resources to pursue our mission with confidence. Efforts, such as bringing our accounting in-house, have provided us with robust controls and safeguards to manage our resources effectively for the benefit of Oregon consumers.

Also crucial to our efforts is managing OCJ’s long-term resilience and adaptability to ensure the longevity essential to taking on the injustices consumers face daily. To this end, our strategic financial planning focuses on our stability and sustainable growth. Always an ongoing effort, OCJ is committed to supporting our mission now and in the future.

While Annual Reports and Form 990s might not sound that exciting, we think they are great ways to see how an organization lives its values. Check out the links below to see our values—specifically trust, transparency, and integrity—in action.

Watch OCJ's Origin Story

Explore our annual reports to see the progress we have made toward consumer justice in Oregon.

Reports and Strategy

Reach out if you’d like to know more or ask a question about our finances.

Contact Us

Review our 990 filings (these are detailed financial reports required for nonprofits by the IRS) to see how we responsibly manage resources for the benefit of Oregon consumers. OCJ operates on a fiscal year (FY) calendar.

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