What We Do An older person and an attorney sitting together at a table

We support Oregonians confronting unlawful practices in taking legal action and finding justice through our courts. Through our legal team and our network of consumer attorneys statewide, we connect people with the support they deserve—especially those who've had little to no access to legal services.

We believe in the power of collaboration and are here to support you. 

Whether you’re a consumer seeking help or an attorney fighting for justice, together, we can make Oregon a place where consumer rights are respected and families come first, not corporate profits.

Oregon consumers have unfortunately long been harmed by targeted scams and unlawful practices that cheat, trick, and bully us out of our hard-earned money, stripping wealth from our families—all so bad actors can cash in at the expense of our communities. 

Across age, race, background, and zip code, each year bad actors look to take advantage of us, thinking we won’t push back. But now is the time to claim our rights and hold law-breaking companies and bad actors accountable so that no matter who we are or where we come from, we all have the freedom to live a life of dignity and abundance.

Facing a consumer injustice? OCJ’s attorneys are in your corner, helping through referrals and direct representation. Check out some victories for Oregonians!

Reach out with your legal questions or potential consumer-related cases, and we'll find the best way to assist you.

Contact Us
Showing up for Oregonians

OCJ played an important role in protecting consumer rights by successfully intervening in PacifiCorp's proposed tariff request to the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC). The PUC's decision to reject their request safeguards consumers' ability to seek full compensation for damages, ensures accountability, and maintains legal protections.

Electrical transmission towers with a blue sky background. Read more
Building relationships and trust

OCJ teamed up with a consumer attorney in Southern Oregon, successfully representing a client against their former law firm who took advantage of them during their divorce proceedings, securing justice on multiple claims.

 Group of people standing in front of Jackson County Justice Building. Read more

Get to know our dedicated legal experts.

Meet the Team
Legal Director, OCJ Law
A man with short dark hair, glasses, and a blue sweater, smiling and wearing a white shirt, standing in front of a blurred background with natural light. Meet Robert
Trial Attorney, OCJ Law
A man with short gray hair, wearing a suit, white shirt, and red tie, standing in front of a blurred natural background with bokeh effect. Meet Matt
Trial and Litigation Paralegal, OCJ Law
A woman with long light brown hair, smiling, wearing a white blazer and black top, standing outdoors with trees in the background. Meet Lucia

Strengthening the Consumer Legal Community

Increasing Access to Justice for All Oregonians

Attorneys and other legal professionals focused on consumer rights are working tirelessly to defend and protect Oregonians, fighting for fair and equitable treatment, and providing essential support against injustices. The legal battles you undertake both promote greater responsibility across industries and corporations and enhance the safety and confidence individuals and families rely on.

Our communities' resilience is boosted thanks to your efforts to ensure access to justice, secure remedies, and establish legal precedents. 

In spite of all the hard work of lawyers, advocates, and regulatory agency staff to remove barriers for consumers, we know that too many individuals still lack easy or clear access to enforcement and trusted legal support in the face of mistreatment and unlawful behavior. 

Access to justice is now more critical than ever, yet out of reach for too many Oregonians. OCJ is committed to growing and supporting the consumer legal community in Oregon, including through education and collaboration opportunities.

Consumer Resources
Consumer-focused CLEs

OCJ-hosted CLE’s offer valuable training and networking opportunities for consumer attorneys, legal professionals, and consumer advocates. Stay updated on the latest legal developments, share insights with peers, and enhance your skills to better serve Oregonians and our communities. 

Presentation on Consumer Protection Advocacy to a seated audience. Check out past events
Access to conferences and tools

OCJ offers opportunities, including financial support, to members of the consumer legal community. These opportunities enable their participation in national conferences and provide access to other legal resources. This initiative supports the professional growth of consumer attorneys and offers a path for others to develop or expand their practice of consumer law.

Oregon Consumer Justice notebook and pen on a table. Get on the list for future opportunities
Fostering strong networks

Our legal team provides technical assistance to support consumer attorneys in their fight for justice, including, but not limited to, lending support to attorney fee proceedings. There are also opportunities to co-counsel or consult on complex consumer cases and matters, so you have the backing you need and we all can show up at our best for Oregon consumers.

Presentation on Consumer Protection Advocacy to a seated audience. Get in touch
Friend of the court

OCJ directly contributes to the drafting and filing of amicus briefs, presenting detailed arguments for state and federal courts. These efforts demonstrate our commitment to supporting appellate courts by providing additional, relevant information on behalf of consumers, which judges may consider before making their rulings.

Close-up of legal books on a library shelf. View Amicus Briefs

Stay connected. Share what you are facing, and let us know if our assumptions are correct or if we need to iterate. How can OCJ work with and alongside you in our collective movement for consumer justice?

Contact Us Three women sitting at a table outdoors, smiling and working on documents together.