We are actively supporting policy solutions to tackle key issues that affect our daily lives. These span issues related to debt (e.g., medical debt, predatory interest rate schemes, high utility rates, and the costs of prison phone calls) and automotive and insurance practices (eg., financing, car safety, and business practices). Further, we're continuing to work on issues from past sessions: property tax foreclosures and the corporate practice of medicine. We are focused on creating effective community-centered policies that protect consumers. View our 2025 priorities.
Explore our past legislative history to learn about the victories we have achieved for Oregon consumers and the lessons we have learned along the way.
OCJ is approaching the 2025 legislative session with a strong sense of purpose and responsibility, knowing the work we are advancing now is critical to building the future Oregonians deserve.

The conclusion of the 2024 legislative short session represented a momentous milestone in OCJ’s journey to expand and protect consumer rights in Oregon.

We championed a legislative agenda to pass essential consumer policies during the 2024 short session.

The last two months of the 2023 Legislative Session saw important victories to benefit Oregon families.

Two months before the close of the 2023 Oregon legislative session, we shared an update on the progress of our legislative agenda.

This legislative session we supported targeted policies to advance consumer justice in Oregon.

Consumers feel confused navigating consumer protection topics; it gets very muddled. I’m glad you’re shifting into co-learning opportunities. This is where your organization is the most instrumental.

OCJ brings together community-based organizations, nonprofits, subject matter experts, and national advocacy groups to collectively champion the rights and interests of Oregon consumers through pro-consumer legislative efforts.
We are working with community partners to develop accessible educational materials about the rights consumers have to protect their data. By responding to the changes set out in SB 619, Oregon’s Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA), passed in the 2023 Legislative Session, we are supporting consumers with resources to support their rights.
OCJ is convening four community organizations, joined by subject matter experts, to participate in a co-learning and community-guided policy development process to inform and advocate for 2025 legislation. We explored the issues and possible solutions to the challenges consumers face when purchasing cars, addressing one of OCJ's priority issue areas as identified in our first strategic plan. Together we will advocate for policy solutions in 2025, including ensuring safe cars through mandatory recall checks and eliminating uncertainty about the costs of buying a car.
Eleven community organizations that received 2022 OCJ grant funding joined our inaugural policy cohort. Throughout the year, OCJ worked with these organizations to navigate the legislative session and statewide policy-making. We focused on sharing information and supporting staff in policy roles. At the cohort's close, we reflected with each participating organization.
The policy cohort has been a valuable access point to build relationships with other organizations, and that has been very important for my work.

We launched our policy intern program in the spring of 2023, recruiting primarily from law schools statewide. The program has grown to offer externships as well. All opportunities provide meaningful, paid, and hands-on experience in consumer justice policy and advocacy.
This effort has furthered our mission by expanding our capacity and offering valuable learning and networking building for future lawyers and advocates.

Oregon and Beyond: Showing Up Nationwide
Consumer issues cut across state lines, and many complex challenges will require solutions at the national level. Beyond our work in Oregon, OCJ is maintaining a consistent presence at the federal level, establishing strong policy partnerships, and engaging in federal regulatory processes to advance better outcomes for all consumers.
Federal Policy Partnerships

Federal Regulatory Engagement
OCJ's policy and advocacy efforts are guided by feedback from our statewide consumer survey. This research helps us incorporate the real experiences and insights of Oregonians into the pro-consumer policies we pursue and support.
Reach out to connect with a member of OCJ's policy team.