Debt has become unavoidable for many in our state. However, when it becomes unmanageable, we don't always know where to turn or what our rights are to see us through an often difficult and stressful time. OCJ partnered with two consumer attorneys and a local illustrator to make a comic that helps you face this situation with knowledge and confidence.

Yeah, we don’t either. That’s why we partnered with a consumer attorney and local illustrator to make a comic book that helps you navigate the used car buying process with knowledge and confidence. Plus, it’s a coloring book!

We’re taking on the industries that target our communities thinking we won’t notice or push back.
We can influence the outcomes that impact us
As consumers, we face numerous challenges such as misleading advertising, unauthorized charges, high-interest payday loans, predatory auto lending, and unfair debt collection practices. Our research shows that one in two Oregonians know that the landscape is changing quickly and are expressing their desire for the tools and resources to support them in avoiding or dealing with the impacts of consumer injustices.
OCJ equips consumers with a growing library of tools and resources
By learning the questions to ask and tricks to look out for, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from being cheated or scammed. When we have the knowledge we need, we not only stay informed but can work together to take action and defend ourselves and our families.

Strengthening Consumer Support Through Legal Education and Community
At OCJ, we are committed to providing educational tools and resources not only for consumers but also to grow the consumer legal community and enhance their ability to provide top-notch, pro-consumer representation through community-building and educational opportunities, including hosting continuing legal education (CLEs) events and sponsoring attendance to national conferences on consumer issues. These initiatives contribute to our goals of enhancing access to justice and a stronger support system for Oregon consumers.

Investing in research supports OCJ’s vision for a consumer-justice movement driven by Oregonians.
Research is key to ending consumer injustices. When done right, research can elevate the experiences of consumers and their communities, amplifying the voices of those most impacted by harmful business practices. It uncovers important facts that affect everyday people, helping consumers, advocates, and the legal community work towards an equitable and more just marketplace. These insights inform OCJ’s policy and advocacy, engagement, and legal strategies by providing important context and compelling evidence toward better outcomes for consumers.
OCJ partners with the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center for a twice-yearly statewide consumer survey to help us understand consumer protection issues directly from Oregonians.
An early OCJ research initiative, established by the court order that created OCJ, is a partnership with the University of Oregon to annually fund diverse consumer-related research projects.
Together, we will make Oregon a place where consumer rights are respected and people come first, not corporate profits.
Our community engagement activities broadly cover education and research, providing consumer resources, and developing tools and solutions responsive to Oregonians' needs.
At OCJ, we recognize the synergy between our education and research endeavors and the power and impact of our work in policy and legal arenas. Our strategic plan and founding documents have set us firmly on a path to deep collaboration, expanding our potential for meaningful and systemic change.
By informing ourselves, lifting up our voices, and sharing our stories, we’re building a powerful movement for consumer justice. Sign up for updates and announcements about new resources, events, and opportunities.