A young man is leaning against a light-colored outdoor wall speaking to a person who is just out of frame.

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Maybe you've heard of us, maybe you haven't. Click here to learn more about who we are, what we do, the team that makes it possible, and the ways we are showing up for Oregon consumers.

Group of people at an event with the OCJ logo and writing on a screen that reads “Building the future we deserve.” Learn About OCJ

Click here to learn more about our victories for consumers and support of the legal community, how to connect on a legal issue, and other resources to navigate legalese and access justice.

An older person and an attorney sitting together at a table About OCJ Legal Solutions

Click here to view some of our educational resources for consumers—including handouts, articles, and even a comic. Topics include auto purchasing, avoiding scams, and student loans.

 Two comic book covers titled 'Purchasing a Used Car' and 'Comprar un Carro Usado,' featuring colorful illustrations of characters buying a car. About Consumer Resources

OCJ is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization advancing a justice movement that puts people first through policy, community engagement, and the law.

Close-up of a person refueling a car, holding a green fuel nozzle and pressing the car with the other hand. Learn more

OCJ works to strengthen consumer rights and end unfair and predatory practices that strip wealth and resources from individuals and families. 

March 2023 CLE event hosted by OCJ featuring a panel of speakers at a long table in front of an audience, with a projector screen displaying "Oregon Consumer Justice" and the tagline "Putting people first." Learn more

OCJ’s dedicated team and board of directors work daily to further our mission of protecting and expanding consumer rights across the state.

Group photo of ten OCJ team members standing and smiling in front of a large outdoor woven structure. Meet the Team

OCJ advocates for pro-consumer policies at the state and federal level, prioritizing impacted communities and supporting community-led strategies for meaningful impact.

A group of advocates standing behind a large wooden desk, with Governor Tina Kotek, seated in the center holding up the ceremonially signed documents for SB 1595. They are in a formal room with flags and bookshelves in the background. Learn more

OCJ regularly seeks consumer input through a representative statewide survey to understand and respond to consumer protection issues important to Oregonians.

Three people sitting at a table, discussing documents. Learn more

Did you find us through ThisCheckIsReal.org or EsteChequeEsReal.org? You are in the right spot. OCJ's marketing campaigns help consumers harmed by unlawful actions trust in the validity of their class action settlement checks and encourage them to cash them to get the money they deserve. 

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Across the legal landscape, OCJ is safeguarding consumer rights, expanding access to justice, and strengthening the legal community to improve outcomes for consumers.

An older person and an attorney sitting together at a table Legal solutions

Are you unsure if the matter you are dealing with is a legal one? Do you have a potential consumer-related case? Reach out, and we'll find the best way to assist you.

Three women sitting at a table outdoors, smiling and working on documents together. Contact our team

While OCJ's mission is consumer-focused, we partner with OregonLawHelp.org to provide accurate, easy-to-understand self-help articles on various civil legal issues. 

Woman sitting on a bed with a toddler, working on a laptop. Learn more

OCJ pushes for vigorous enforcement of existing laws. We know that reporting systems can be frustrating, but submitting your consumer complaint to the relevant state or federal enforcement agency is crucial. It calls attention to bad actors so they can be held accountable under the law and protects other consumers by highlighting important issues.

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Consumer Rights and Resources

OCJ's comic helps you confidently tackle the complicated transaction of buying a used car. It's available in English and Spanish and doubles as a coloring book.

Two comic book covers titled 'Purchasing a Used Car' and 'Comprar un Carro Usado,' featuring colorful illustrations of characters buying a car. Learn more

Scams are tricky and ever-evolving. Staying informed can help you avoid them. Check out our top tips on preventing and avoiding scams.

Phone screen showing four scam text messages with warnings. Learn more

Check out our resources for navigating federal student loan repayments, choosing the best plan for you, understanding new rules, and accessing specialized support.

Student looking at a notebook outside a building with columns. Learn more

OCJ is committed to supporting and growing the consumer legal community to better support Oregonians. Learn about education, resources, and community-building opportunities geared to attorneys and other legal professionals.

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Use our contact page to call or email us and we'll get back to you in short order. 

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