
News Copies of the 'Dealing with Debt Collection' comic book on a black table cloth with a bowl of colorful crayons.

It was wonderful to see our friends, families, and collaborators come together as we work to make consumer rights education more accessible to all our communities. Thank you for coming out!

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Group of people raising their glasses in a toast at the debt comic book launch party. View

Our playlist Money Moves is rich with catchy beats.

A silhouetted person raising their hands in front of the projector displaying a page of the Dealing with Debt Collection comic book. Listen

Get the comic to share with friends and neighbors!

Two comic book covers titled 'Dealing with Debt Collection,' and 'Como Hacer Frente Al Cobro De Deudas' featuring colorful illustrations of characters sitting at a table examining a piece of paper. Download or Order
Dealing with Debt Collection
OCJ Law Intern Spotlight: Anali Ghaseminia