
News This is an image of Jay Ingersoll wearing a light blue polo. There is a text banner with his name followed by ‘consumer, Klamath Falls’.

Jay Ingersoll was sued by a collection agency for unpaid medical debt. Mr. Ingersoll is low-income. He was eligible and should have received financial assistance from the local hospital. Instead, they sent him to collections.

The collection agency then tacked on interest, which the hospital does not charge, nearly doubling what Mr. lngersoll would need to pay back. We defeated two of the six claims against Mr. Ingersoll at trial and the debt collector's attempt to get the $5K in interest. We later convinced the judge to stay enforcement of the judgment against Ingersoll while he appeals.

This case deepened trust and professional relationships and shows how OCJ can support and resource sole practitioners. By putting people first, we can help level the playing field against powerful companies with effectively unlimited resources.

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