It can be confusing and intimidating to get a debt collection notice saying that you owe money. Whether you owe it or not, it's often difficult to understand who sent the notice, how to respond, or whether or not it's a scam. Here's what to do if you receive a notice saying you owe money.
Our comic offers tips and insights for dealing with debt collection with confidence.
You have rights when it comes to dealing with debt collection and debt collectors. Learn about the state and federal laws that help protect consumers from unfair and predatory debt-collection practices.
It is often possible to successfully negotiate with debt collectors to find an arrangement that works for you and your financial situation. Use the following tips and phrases when negotiating payment options with a debt collector.
Every day, Americans unknowingly sign away their rights through mandatory arbitration clauses buried in the fine print of everything from job contracts to streaming services. These clauses force legal disputes into secretive private systems that favor corporations over people.
Oregonians now have greater support for protecting themselves from scams and schemes and to take legal action against law-breaking companies.
Explore key tips for buying a used car. Learn to avoid common pitfalls that support informed choices at the dealership.
If buying a used car, you may need financing for your purchase. For many consumers, auto financing is a complicated and hard-to-understand process, even for those who have previously financed vehicles. Learn how financing works and how to maximize financing on your next vehicle purchase.
OCJ is thrilled to introduce "Purchasing a Used Car," its inaugural Consumer Confidence Comic. This comic combines a used car buying guide with an interactive coloring book for all Oregonians.
Watch out for common auto scams and schemes to help you make informed decisions and keep your car buying journey on track.
You did everything right in purchasing your used car from a dealer. Despite this, before long, you start experiencing problems. First, it’s a check engine light, then next, it’s overheating, leaking fluids, or you hear a knocking noise from the engine. Your next steps at this point are critical if you want the dealer to make things right.
Our comic offers tips and insights for purchasing a used car with confidence.