
Our most recent Spring 2024 Statewide Consumer Survey provides us with three sets of data (including our Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 findings) to build upon our understanding of consumer issues, inform our legislative work, and help us better support Oregonians.

Woman in light blue sweater thoughtfully looking at a computer screen. Read the article

Last spring, OCJ set the stage to regularly seek the input of consumers through a representative statewide survey. In October 2023, we built on those results and asked new questions to understand how a variety of consumer issues are experienced throughout Oregon.

Person using a smartphone while walking, dressed casually. Read the article

Your check is the real deal.

Graphic with text: 'Don't throw out that $200 check. Cash it in.' and an image of people shopping. Read the article

In spring 2023, OCJ engaged with the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center to conduct a statewide consumer survey. The survey results are helping us to better understand consumer protection matters through the lens of a representative sample of Oregonians.

Two women in hijabs working on a laptop outdoors. Read the article

Your check really is in the mail.

Gas pump nozzle inserted into a car. Read the article

Scharfstein v. BP West Coast Products LLC

Gas pump nozzle inserted into a car. Read the article